The Boxer is a manga that highlights an epic story about boxing. This Korean manhua follows the life of Yu, a 17-year-old who has endured severe bullying for most of his life. Because of this, he’s emotionally numb and disconnected from the world, feeling like he can’t act normally anymore. Even though he’s really good at dodging punches, Yu doesn’t fight back against his bullies because he doesn’t see the point in surviving. But things start to change when Yu meets an experienced boxing trainer known as “K.” K has trained many champions and can see Yu’s incredible fighting potential right away, despite Yu’s lack of interest. Despite Yu’s initial reluctance, he eventually agrees to train with K after remembering a positive memory from his past and hoping to find that brightness again. Now, Yu is thrust into a world of tough opponents, both good and bad, and he must learn to fight back for the first time ever.